Webinar: Understanding investment term sheets in Malaysia

Updated on 4 April 2021

Thanks again for joining my session last Friday on the overview of the investment term sheet in Malaysia. I get excited every time speaking with new aspiring entrepreneurs and founders.

Here’s the link to the recorded video which can be found below posted on our Facebook page.

Here’s the link to the slides presented during the webinar.

I haven’t been hosting my own webinar for the past few months so I thought I should do one early next month. So many people have asked me to speak about investment term sheets or at least have asked about the topic in every single webinar that I’ve been involved in.

Topics to be covered

During the session, I hope to cover the usual things like:

  • Timing: when the term sheet is produced
  • Terminologies: interpreting the investment and commercial terms used
  • Contents: what should be in a term sheet
  • Investor’s protection: The investor’s perspective and mechanisms employed to protect the investors’ interests
  • Scope for negotiation and protection of founders’ interests
  • Other key terms for any founder to focus on

Assuming that you’ve been a loyal reader of my legal blog if you have a specific comment or question that you’d like me to cover in the upcoming talk, do drop a note in the contact section.

I’m game! Where do I sign up?

Here’s the link to the webinar recorded via Zoom on our Facebook page.

Again, feel free to drop a note on our contact page if oyu’ve any suggestion or comment on the next topic that we should be covering in the future webinars and sharing session.