Consult your startup lawyer to ensure succession clauses are properly incorporated and aligned with your startup’s needs
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Should I give my lawyer equity stake in my startup?
It is uncommon for startup lawyers to get equity stake in exchange for legal services, but we may be open to accepting small percentages for startups (if your business is exciting enough). As a founder, you need to consider not just the dilution to the equity pie, but if the lawyer you are offering equity…
Founder Institute Malaysia 2023 update
Founder Institute Malaysia 2023 programme is back after a two year hiatus due to the pandemic.
I co-authored a World Bank report on startup financing in Malaysia
During the early lockdown month last year, I was surprised when I received an email from a World Bank researcher asking to schedule a call with me to ask a few questions on the state of startup financing in Malaysia. I found out afterwards that both of the researchers came across one of my webinars…
Webinar: Fintech startups in Malaysia 101
I love working with fintech startups. We need to have more innovative solutions in the financial space so that we can empower more underserved and unbanked segments in Malaysia. Next week, I will be sharing my experience in advising fintech startups. To date, I’ve worked with various fintech companies from equity crowdfunding, peer to peer,…
Webinar: Guide to investment term sheet for early-stage entrepreneurs
I am starting again my regular sharing session this month for early stage entpreneures and founders. Next week, I am sharing my experience on what you should do as a founder when you get your first investment term sheet. The free webinar will start at 10am sharp on Friday, 11 June 2021 next week. Click…
Webinar: Business contracts 101 for startups
I was invited by Proficeo’s Coach and Grow recently to speak on business contracts focusing on legal stuff that tech companies and startups should know.
Webinar: Navigating legal challenges for startups
Take a look at my upcoming webinar in collaboration with MaGIC on a series of legal series especially focusing on technology companies and startups.
What is the most important business agreement for your startup?
As a corporate lawyer for over a decade who have worked on a wide range of legal work for bootstrapped startups and venture-backed companies, I believe there is one single most crucial agreement that every business owner, entrepreneur, and a founder should have; an agreement covering the following items.